Aberllyn Mine
Aberllyn Mine
Grid refs :
6 Level : SH7946-5791
No. of levels : 6
Personal experience? : Yes
About Aberllyn
Aberllyn can be found in the gorge at the South end of Llyn Parc. The most apparent surface feature is the large floors visible from the forestry track, behind which the Brunner-Mond haulage level can be followed to the portal of the 6 level. Sadly this level has been closed by the Forestry Commission, and no amount of mind over matter will allow you to pass this one!. Further on up the gorge, more entrances can be found, the best one being the 4 level. This is to the right of and below the path. The 3a level is just up the path and on the left, but this goes nowhere. Unfortunately by the time you read this, the entrance to the 4 level will have been well and truly sealed by the Forestry Commission.
What's inside
Aberllyn is actually not too difficult a mine to get around, you can see most of it with ease. This mine could best be described as a rabbit warren though, so try not to get lost!.
The first thing to notice is the waist deep sludge that you have to wade through!. This soon lowers and disappears, and you quickly reach the Cathedral Stope. To your left you can get to the bottom of an open shaft, to the right is the main mine. If followed as far as possible, the 4 level gets underneath Llyn Parc, evidenced by the large amounts of water coming through the roof and walls!.
Near the end of the Cathedral Stope, a ladder in the left wall goes up to the three level, and another ladder in the right floor descends with water to the 5 level.
Level three is the most complicated, at the Southern end you can again get to an open shaft, and see daylight out. It is also possible to get up to the 2 level by climbing up a shaft from one of the tunnels, but there is not much up there.
The five level is much wetter than the three level, and can be followed to where the old 5 adit was, but a collapse blocks the way. The shaft down to the 6 level is also apparent by the volume of water falling down it, but rigging would be required to use it.
All in all, Aberllyn has been worth a visit, but now the Forestry Commission have got their oar in, no-one else will be able to visit this fantastic piece of industrial heritage.
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